In the future, when space exploration became commonplace, a group of ambitious mice decided to settle on the Moon. Their goal was to create a luxurious city full of innovation and comfort. These extraordinary mice—visionaries and inventors—settled on the Moon, building modern houses and cosmic vehicles, transforming its barren surface into a dynamic and colorful center of life.The symbol of their success became the " Mooncheese C oins" —cheese-shaped coins representing wealth and determination. Their presence reminded everyone how far the mice had come in pursuing their dreams. The city became a symbol of hope and ambition, proving that even the smallest beings can achieve great things if they believe in their potential. The view of Earth on the horizon reminded them of their roots, while they lived on the Moon, basking in luxury and celebrating their extraordinary success .
We want Mooncheese Coins to bring people together, not divide them, which is why there's no place for greedy behavior here—because we are a team!
Over time, life in the luxurious moon city changed. The ambitious mice, who once cooperated, began to feel greed for the "Mooncheese Coins." The coins, which once symbolized success, became objects of envy and rivalry. Each mouse wanted more, and wealth became their primary goal. Tensions grew, and the city, once a place of cooperation, turned into a battleground. The residents, arming themselves and competing, led to open conflicts, and their former shared dreams lost significance. The city fell into ruin, filled with smoke and destruction, and the "Mooncheese Coins" became the cause of its downfall. Eventually, each mouse lived only for itself, and the hope for a luxurious, united life turned into a struggle for survival.